5 Netflix Documentaries Every Student Needs to Watch

5 Netflix Documentaries Every Student Needs to Watch

In an age where information is abundant, and learning extends beyond the classroom, documentaries have emerged as a powerful educational tool. They offer a vivid exploration of real-world issues, combining visual storytelling with in-depth research to engage and inform viewers. Netflix, with its extensive library of content, stands out as a premier platform for documentaries that cater to a wide range of interests. For students, these films can complement academic studies, providing a deeper understanding of complex topics covered in textbooks or discussed in lectures. This article curates five must-watch Netflix documentaries that offer both educational value and insightful perspectives, ensuring students gain knowledge that is both broad and deep.

1. 13th

Ava DuVernay’s “13th” is an essential documentary for students who want to start doing their own student movies exploring themes of justice, race, and the prison system in the United States. Named after the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery except as punishment for a crime, the film delves into the historical progression from slavery to the modern-day mass incarceration system. It presents a compelling argument about the racial inequality embedded within the U.S. penal system and how it reflects broader societal issues.

For students involved in social sciences, law, or history, “13th” serves as a critical visual supplement to academic texts, which might not capture the emotional resonance of personal stories and historical footage shown in the documentary. It also underscores the importance of understanding the roots of modern social issues—an endeavor as critical as seeking out reliable paper writers for hire when aiming to excel in academic writing. By integrating scholarly research with cinematic storytelling, “13th” provides a multifaceted look at America’s challenging relationship with race and justice, making it a profound educational resource for students from various disciplines.

2. Explained

For students pressed for time yet eager to broaden their knowledge on a variety of topics, like teacher student relationship movies, Netflix’s series “Explained” offers the perfect solution. This series tackles a wide array of subjects—from the rise of cryptocurrency to the complexities of the global water crisis—in concise, twenty-minute episodes. Each segment is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a topic, enriched with expert insights and clear, engaging visuals.

“Explained” is particularly valuable for students looking to enhance their understanding of contemporary issues quickly and efficiently. Episodes such as those on esports or the stock market are tailored to the interests of young adults, making complex ideas accessible and engaging. The series serves as an excellent primer for classes and discussions and even as a springboard for deeper academic research. By watching “Explained,” students can stay informed about the latest trends and innovations in various fields, ensuring they remain connected to the rapidly evolving world around them.

3. The Social Dilemma

“The Social Dilemma” dives deep into the unsettling impacts of social networking on individuals and society. Through interviews with tech industry insiders, the documentary uncovers how social media platforms are engineered to exploit users’ attention and manipulate behavior for profit. This eye-opening film is especially relevant to students, who are both major consumers and frequent subjects of digital media.

As digital natives, students interact with social media daily, making it vital to understand the psychological and societal frameworks operating behind the screens. “The Social Dilemma” reveals how these platforms can influence everything from personal self-esteem to political elections, underscoring the importance of media literacy in today’s digital age. For those studying technology, psychology, or media, the documentary offers a critical perspective on the ethical considerations of modern communication tools. It also prompts viewers to think critically about their digital footprints and the potential long-term effects of their online behaviors, encouraging a more conscientious engagement with social networks.

4. Our Planet

Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, “Our Planet” is a stunning exploration of the Earth’s diverse natural environments. This series not only showcases the breathtaking beauty of our world but also highlights the urgent environmental challenges it faces. Each episode focuses on different habitats— from jungles to deserts to the deep sea— and discusses the impacts of climate change, human activity, and the loss of biodiversity on these ecosystems.

For students in environmental science, biology, or any discipline concerned with sustainability, “Our Planet” serves as a visually rich and scientifically sound resource. It brings to life the textbook concepts of ecology and conservation, providing real-world examples of how environmental decisions affect living organisms and their habitats. The documentary also serves as a call to action, inspiring students to consider their roles in safeguarding the planet’s future. By presenting a compelling narrative combined with scientific data, “Our Planet” enhances understanding and fosters a sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

5. Abstract: The Art of Design

“Abstract: The Art of Design” is an enlightening series that explores the art, science, and philosophy of design across various disciplines. Each episode is a deep dive into the mind and creative process of leading designers in fields such as architecture, graphic design, photography, and shoe design. This documentary series demystifies the creative process, revealing that design is a deliberate and complicated process that influences nearly every facet of human life.

Students, regardless of their major, can glean insights from “Abstract” that apply to both their academic and personal lives. Understanding how intentional design impacts everyday experiences can enhance a student’s analytical and creative thinking skills. For those studying arts, engineering, or business, “Abstract” offers a window into how innovative design can solve complex problems, push technological boundaries, and enhance user experiences. This series encourages students to appreciate the depth and breadth of design and to consider how design thinking can be applied to their future careers.


Documentaries are a treasure trove of knowledge, offering students much more than mere information; they provide context, depth, and a real-world application of complex concepts. The five Netflix documentaries recommended here are essential for any student eager to supplement their education with engaging, thought-provoking content. From understanding the profound effects of social media with “The Social Dilemma” to exploring the vast wonders and vulnerabilities of our planet with “Our Planet,” these films enhance academic learning and encourage students to engage more deeply with the world around them.

Watching these documentaries can profoundly affect how students perceive their studies and the world. They serve not only as educational tools but also as sources of inspiration and catalysts for change, challenging students to think critically and act thoughtfully. As the boundaries between education and entertainment continue to blur, Netflix documentaries stand out as valuable resources, enriching the student experience with every view.